Take it to the next level

A world of exclusive discounts
Belonging to a level in our Premium Perks program gives you the opportunity to earn up to 25% OFF. Every year, your level may change.
SIGN UP TODAY and get 25% OFF SITEWIDE for at least one year.

Keep in mind:
You will only level up when you reach the minimum required value.
Your new discount will be effective the second you reach a new level. Don't wait - go shopping!
The discount will be valid from the moment you go up a level, until the end of the next calendar year.
We will evaluate your purchasing behavior at the end of the calendar year to figure out which level you are on for the next calendar year.
Redeeming your Points for Rewards will not cause you to go back or change your level.

Sign up below now and get all the prizes!
Crea una cuenta
Si aĂşn no tienes cuenta en Leonisa.com, ingresa tus datos para pertenecer a nuestro Programa de Beneficios Privilegios Leonisa.
RegĂstrateIngresa a tu cuenta
Si ya tienes una cuenta en Leonisa.com ¡felicitaciones! ya perteneces a Privilegios Leonisa. Descubre cuántos puntos tienes ingresando a tu cuenta.